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Avoid Smoking During Pregnancy

Avoid Smoking During Pregnancy

FIT INFO. Cigarette smoking is a bad habit that continues to flourish today, despite numerous warnings about the dangers of smoking have been issued. Many people are so addicted to smoking without thinking about the consequences, including not miss pregnant and lactating women. Especially for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, avoid smoking habit as soon as possible. Why should immediately stop smoking?

Dangers of Smoking When Pregnant

Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous. If the mother smoking during pregnancy can damage the fetus conceived. Smoking caused huge losses for women who are pregnant.
When a woman is pregnant, physical or biological changes in the body. This change makes the mother's condition is very sensitive to poisoning. While cigarette smoke contains more than 700 harmful chemicals that are toxic.
A mother who smokes directly toxic to babies since they are even still in the womb. The results showed that in women who smoke, then the baby contained toxic substances such as nicotine and kotinin which is the result of nicotine metabolism.
However, the most dangerous is the arrangement of the umbilical cord in pregnant women who smoke experience a change. While this is through the umbilical cord, a fetus receives all it needs from the mother in order to stay alive.
A variety of harmful substances such as nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke enters the mother's bloodstream. The mother channeled directly to the child in her womb.

Impact on Infants

What are the implications for the fetus? The following adverse effects of smoking on the development of a baby during pregnancy if a pregnant woman smoking a cigarette.
Gestational age 2-3 weeks
Usually the most severely affected, namely the central nervous system of the fetus.
Gestational age 4-5 weeks
All related to the heart and blood vessels exposed to toxins from toxic substances in cigarettes. At this time the cardiovascular system begins to form.

Until delivery

More likely spontaneous miscarriages, gave birth to a baby who was dead, and the death of a newborn baby. In addition, the risk of sudden infant death syndrome tripled for babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy.

After childbirth

Other adverse effects may occur is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The survey shows of cases of sudden infant death turned out to be mostly occur in the home environment with a father or mother who smoked.
By knowing the dangers of cigarettes for a woman is pregnant or post pregnancy, it is important for mothers to stop smoking immediately. Cigarette smoke is much more dangerous for the baby than the mother.

In addition, all pregnant women should also be careful of other people's smoke. If in your house there are family members who smoke, and there are pregnant, trying to quit smoking for the sake of the baby. Your baby's life at stake just because of a cigarette.

Avoid Smoking During Pregnancy Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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